Talks and Seminars
Agent-state based policies in POMDPs: Beyond belief-state MDPs (slides) (video)
Data-driven Learning and Control, Cornell University, Jan 2025.Mean-field games among teams (slides)
CDC Workshop on Large Population Teams, Milan, Italy, Dec 2024.The common-information approach to multi-agent teams (slides)
ACC Workshop on Learning and Control of Multi-Agent Systems, Toronto, Canada, Dec 2024.Reinforcement learning in restless bandits (slides)
Workshop on restless bandits, Grenoble, Nov 2023.Planning (and learning) in multi-agent systems (slides)
MILA RL Workshop, Mt Tremblant, Jun 2023.Approximate planning and learning for partially observed systems (slides) (video)
University of Texas, A&M, Oct 2022.Reinforcement Learning in Stationary Mean-Field Games (slides) (video)
Machine Learning and Mean-Field Games, Nov 2021.Robustness and sample complexity of model-based MARL for general-sum Markov games (slides)
Workshop on Agent behavior in combinatorial game theory, Nov 2021.Learning to control network-coupled subsystems with unknown dynamics (slides) (video)
Workshop on Mean-field games on Networks, Nov 2021.Approximate planning and learning for partially observed systems (slides) (video)
Reinforcement learning and sotchastic control in queues and networks (ReStoq) Workshop, WiOpt, Oct 2021.Approximate planning and learning for partially observed systems (slides) (video)
Communication and Signal Processing Seminar, University of Michigan, Feb 2020.Approximate planning and learning for partially observed systems (slides)
Mila RL Reading Group, Feb 2020.Information state (and its approximations) for stochastic control (slides)
BIRS-CMO Workshop on Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimization for Clean Energy Transition, Oaxaca, Mexico, Sep 2019.Decentralized Kalman Filtering (slides)
Fields Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Ottawa, ON, Aug 2017.Mean-field teams
Systems Science Seminar, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Jul 2017.Fundamental limits of remote estimation (slides)
BLISS Seminar, UC Berkeley, Mar 2017.Remote state estimation over erasure channels: structure of optimal strategies and fundamental limits (slides)
IT Forum, Stanford, Nov 2016.Optimal decentralized control of systems with partially exchangeable agents (slides)
Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Sep 2016.Fundamental limits of remote estimation under communication constraints (slides)
Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks (WiOpt), May 2016.Remote estimation of Markov processes under communication constraints (slides)
Applied Probability Conference, Rutgers, Oct 2015.Mean-field teams
CommNets Seminar, USC, Los Angeles, Aug 2015.Fundamental limits of remote-estimation under communication constraints (slides)
Mathematical Cybernetics: Hybrid, Stochastic and Decentralized Systems, May 2015.Optimal real-time transmission of Markov sources under constraints on the number of transmissions (slides)
University of Toronto, Nov 2014.Decentralized stochastic control: The person-by-person and common information approaches (slides) (video)
BIRS Workshop on Optimal Cooperation, Communication, and Learning in Decentralized Systems, Banff, Oct 2014.Decentralized stochastic control (slides)
REPARTI (Regroupement pour l'étude des environnements partagés intelligents répartis) Workshop, Quebec City, May 2014.Dynamic Programming in Decentralized Stochastic Control
GERAD (Group d'Etudes et de Recherche en Analyse des Décisions) Seminar, Montreal, Oct 2012.Optimal decentralized stochastic control: A common information approach (slides)
Concordia University, Montreal, Oct 2012.Optimal decentralized stochastic control: The designer and common information approaches
CEA-EDF-INRIA Summer School on Stochastic Optimization, Cadarache, Jul 2012.Optimal decentralized stochastic control: A common information approach (slides)
GERAD (Group d'Etudes et de Recherche en Analyse des Décisions) Seminar, Montreal, Apr 2012.An overview of structural results in real-time communication (slides)
BIRS workshop on interactive information theory, Banff, Jan 2012.Separation results for decentralized stochastic control under delayed sharing of information (slides)
Queen's University, Kingston, Jul 2011.Introduction to sequential teams (slides)
MITACS workshop on fusion and inference in networks, Bellairs Insitute, Barbados, Mar 2011.Decentralized decision making under uncertainty (slides)
Ecole des Pont, Paris, Jun 2010.Decentralized decision making under uncertainty (slides)
McGill University, Montreal, May 2010.Auxiliary random variables in multi-terminal communication with feedback: a decentralized control perspective
University of California, Berkeley, Apr 2010.Auxiliary random variables in multi-terminal communication with feedback: a decentralized control perspective
Stanford University, Stanford, Apr 2010.Interconnections between information theory and decentralized stochastic control
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, Mar 2010.Structure of optimal decentralized control policies: an axiomatic approach (slides)
University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Mar 2010.Role of information structures in decentralized decision making (slides)
University of California, Los Angeles, Feb 2010.Graphical reasoning for decentralized systems (slides)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Oct 2009.Optimal design of sequential teams (slides)
Queen's University, Kingston, May 2009.Optimal design of sequential teams (slides)
McGill University, Montreal, May 2009.