Talks and Seminars

  • Mean-field games among teams (slides)
    CDC Workshop on Large Population Teams, Milan, Italy, Dec 2024.

  • The common-information approach to multi-agent teams (slides)
    ACC Workshop on Learning and Control of Multi-Agent Systems, Toronto, Canada, Dec 2024.

  • Reinforcement learning in restless bandits (slides)
    Workshop on restless bandits, Grenoble, Nov 2023.

  • Reinforcement learning in restless bandits (slides)
    Workshop on restless bandits, Grenoble, Nov 2023.

  • Planning (and learning) in multi-agent systems (slides)
    MILA RL Workshop, Mt Tremblant, Jun 2023.

  • Approximate planning and learning for partially observed systems (slides) (video)
    University of Texas, A&M, Oct 2022.

  • Reinforcement Learning in Stationary Mean-Field Games (slides) (video)
    Machine Learning and Mean-Field Games, Nov 2021.

  • Robustness and sample complexity of model-based MARL for general-sum Markov games (slides)
    Workshop on Agent behavior in combinatorial game theory, Nov 2021.

  • Learning to control network-coupled subsystems with unknown dynamics (slides) (video)
    Workshop on Mean-field games on Networks, Nov 2021.

  • Approximate planning and learning for partially observed systems (slides) (video)
    Reinforcement learning and sotchastic control in queues and networks (ReStoq) Workshop, WiOpt, Oct 2021.

  • Approximate planning and learning for partially observed systems (slides) (video)
    Communication and Signal Processing Seminar, University of Michigan, Feb 2020.

  • Approximate planning and learning for partially observed systems (slides)
    Mila RL Reading Group, Feb 2020.

  • Information state (and its approximations) for stochastic control (slides)
    BIRS-CMO Workshop on Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimization for Clean Energy Transition, Oaxaca, Mexico, Sep 2019.

  • Decentralized Kalman Filtering (slides)
    Fields Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Ottawa, ON, Aug 2017.

  • Mean-field teams
    Systems Science Seminar, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Jul 2017.

  • Fundamental limits of remote estimation (slides)
    BLISS Seminar, UC Berkeley, Mar 2017.

  • Remote state estimation over erasure channels: structure of optimal strategies and fundamental limits (slides)
    IT Forum, Stanford, Nov 2016.

  • Optimal decentralized control of systems with partially exchangeable agents (slides)
    Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Sep 2016.

  • Fundamental limits of remote estimation under communication constraints (slides)
    Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks (WiOpt), May 2016.

  • Remote estimation of Markov processes under communication constraints (slides)
    Applied Probability Conference, Rutgers, Oct 2015.

  • Mean-field teams
    CommNets Seminar, USC, Los Angeles, Aug 2015.

  • Fundamental limits of remote-estimation under communication constraints (slides)
    Mathematical Cybernetics: Hybrid, Stochastic and Decentralized Systems, May 2015.

  • Optimal real-time transmission of Markov sources under constraints on the number of transmissions (slides)
    University of Toronto, Nov 2014.

  • Decentralized stochastic control: The person-by-person and common information approaches (slides) (video)
    BIRS Workshop on Optimal Cooperation, Communication, and Learning in Decentralized Systems, Banff, Oct 2014.

  • Decentralized stochastic control (slides)
    REPARTI (Regroupement pour l'étude des environnements partagés intelligents répartis) Workshop, Quebec City, May 2014.

  • Dynamic Programming in Decentralized Stochastic Control
    GERAD (Group d'Etudes et de Recherche en Analyse des Décisions) Seminar, Montreal, Oct 2012.

  • Optimal decentralized stochastic control: A common information approach (slides)
    Concordia University, Montreal, Oct 2012.

  • Optimal decentralized stochastic control: The designer and common information approaches
    CEA-EDF-INRIA Summer School on Stochastic Optimization, Cadarache, Jul 2012.

  • Optimal decentralized stochastic control: A common information approach (slides)
    GERAD (Group d'Etudes et de Recherche en Analyse des Décisions) Seminar, Montreal, Apr 2012.

  • An overview of structural results in real-time communication (slides)
    BIRS workshop on interactive information theory, Banff, Jan 2012.

  • Separation results for decentralized stochastic control under delayed sharing of information (slides)
    Queen's University, Kingston, Jul 2011.

  • Introduction to sequential teams (slides)
    MITACS workshop on fusion and inference in networks, Bellairs Insitute, Barbados, Mar 2011.

  • Decentralized decision making under uncertainty (slides)
    Ecole des Pont, Paris, Jun 2010.

  • Decentralized decision making under uncertainty (slides)
    McGill University, Montreal, May 2010.

  • Auxiliary random variables in multi-terminal communication with feedback: a decentralized control perspective
    University of California, Berkeley, Apr 2010.

  • Auxiliary random variables in multi-terminal communication with feedback: a decentralized control perspective
    Stanford University, Stanford, Apr 2010.

  • Interconnections between information theory and decentralized stochastic control
    University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, Mar 2010.

  • Structure of optimal decentralized control policies: an axiomatic approach (slides)
    University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Mar 2010.

  • Role of information structures in decentralized decision making (slides)
    University of California, Los Angeles, Feb 2010.

  • Graphical reasoning for decentralized systems (slides)
    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Oct 2009.

  • Optimal design of sequential teams (slides)
    Queen's University, Kingston, May 2009.

  • Optimal design of sequential teams (slides)
    McGill University, Montreal, May 2009.

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