45 Singular value decomposition
A symmetric \(n × n\) matrix has real eigenvlaues. When the eigenvalues are distinct, then the eigenvectors are linearly independent. Let \(λ_1, \dots, λ_n\) denote the eigenvalues and let \(v_1, \dots, v_n\) be the corresponding eigenvectors. Define \(V = [ v_1, \dots, v_n ]\) and \(D = \diag(λ_1, \dots, λ_n)\). Then, \[ A = V D V^{-1}. \]
If we choose the eigenvectors to be orthonormal, then \(V^\TRANS V = I\), so we can alternatively write the eigendecomposition of \(A\) as \[ A = V D V^\TRANS. \]
The singular value decomposition (SVD) is a generalization of this where \(A\) is a \(n × d\) matrix.
45.1 Singular values
Let \(A\) be a \(n × d\) matrix. Then, the matrix \(A^\TRANS A\) is a symmetric \(d × d\) matrix, so its eigenvalues are real. Moreover, \(A^\TRANS A\) is positive semi-definite, so the eigen values are non-negative. Let \(\{ λ_1, \dots, λ_d \}\) denote the eigenvalues of \(A^\TRANS A\), with repetitions. Order then so that \(λ_1 \ge λ_2 \ge \dots \ge λ_d \ge 0\). Let \(σ_i = \sqrt{λ_i}\), so that \(σ_1 \ge σ_2 \ge \dots σ_d \ge 0\). These numbers are called the singular values of \(A\).
Properties of singular values
The number of non-zero singular values of \(A\) equals to the rank of \(A\). In particular, if \(A\) is \(n × d\) where \(n < d\), then \(A\) has at most \(n\) nonzero singular values.
It can be shown that
\[ σ_1 = \max_{\|x\| = 1} \| A x \| . \]
Let \(v_1\) denote the arg-max of the above optimization. \(v_1\) is called the first singular vector of \(A\). Then,
\[ σ_2 = \max_{ x \perp v_1, \|x \| = 1} \| A x\|. \]
Let \(v_2\) denote the arg-max of the above optimization. \(v_2\) is called the second singular vector of \(A\), and so on.
Let \(A\) be a \(n × d\) matrix and \(v_1, \dots, v_r\) be the singular vectors, where \(r = \text{rank}(A)\). Then for any \(k \in \{1, \dots, r\}\), let \(V_k\) be the subspace spanned by \(\{v_1, \dots, v_k\}\). Then, \(V_k\) is the best \(k\)-dimensional subspace for \(A\).
For any matrix \(A\), \[ \sum_{i =1}^r σ_i^2(A) = \| A \|_{F}^2 := \sum_{j,k} a_{jk}^2. \]
Any vector \(v\) can be written as a linear combination of \(v_1, \dots, v_r\) and a vector perpendicular to \(V_r\) (defined above). Now, \(Av\) can be written as the same linear combination of \(Av_1, Av_2, \dots, Av_r\). So, \(Av_1, \dots, Av_r\) form a fundamental set of vectors associated with \(A\). We normalize them to length one by \[ u_i = \frac{1}{σ_i(A)} A v_i. \] The vectors \(u_1, \dots, u_r\) are called the left singular vectors of \(A\). The \(v_i\) are called the right singular vectors.
Both the left and the right singular vectors are orthogonal.
For any matrix \(A\), \[ A = \sum_{i=1}^r σ_i u_i v_i^\TRANS \] where \(u_i\) and \(v_i\) are the left and right singular vectors, and \(σ_i\) are the singular values.
Equivalently, in matrix notation: \[ A = U D V^\TRANS \] where the columns of \(U\) and \(V\) consist of the left and right singular vectors, respectively, and \(D\) is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are the singular values of \(A\).
If \(A\) is a positive definite square matrix, then the SVD and the eigen-decomposition coincide.
45.2 Best rank-\(k\) approximations
There are two important matrix norms, the Frobenius norm which is defined as \[ \| A \|_{F} = \sqrt{ \sum_{i,j} a_{ij}^2 } \] and the induced norm which is defined as \[ \| A \|_2 = \max_{\|x \| = 1} \| A x \|. \]
Note that the Frobenius norm is equal to the square root of the sum of squares of the singular values and the \(2\)-norm is the largest singular value.
Let \(A\) be an \(n × d\) matrix and think of \(A\) as the \(n\) points in \(d\)-dimensional space. The Frobenius norm of \(A\) is the square root of the sum of squared distance of the points to the origin. The induced norm is the square root of the sum of squared distances to the origin along the direction that maximizes this quantity.
Proposition 45.1 (Best rank-\(k\) approximation) Let \[ A = \sum_{i = 1}^r σ_i u_i v_i^\TRANS \] be the SVD of \(A\). For \(k \in \{1, \dots, r\}\), let \[ A_k = \sum_{i=1}^k σ_i u_i v_i^\TRANS \] be the sum truncated after \(k\) terms.
Then, \(A_k\) is the best rank \(k\) approximation to \(A\), when the error is measured in either the induced norm or the Frobenius norm.
This result is established by showing the following properties:
The rows of \(A_k\) are the projections of the rows of \(A\) onto the subspace \(V_k\) spanned by the first \(k\) right singular vectors of \(A\).
For any matrix \(B\) of rank at most \(k\) \[ \| A - A_k \|_{F} \le \|A - B \|_{F}. \]
\(\| A - A_k\|_2^2 = σ_{k+1}^2.\)
For any matrix \(B\) of rank at most \(k\) \[ \| A - A_k \|_{2} \le \|A - B \|_{2}. \]
The chapter on SVD in Hopcroft and Kannan (2012) contains a nice intuitive explanation of SVD.