Moment Generating Functions


October 7, 2024

1 Moment Generating Functions

The moment generating function (MGF) of a random variable \(X\) is defined as \[ M_X(s) = \EXP[e^{sX}] \] provided the expectation exists.

  • When \(X\) is discrete, we have \[ M_X(s) = \sum_{x \in \text{range}(X)} e^{sx} p_X(x). \]

  • When \(X\) is continuous, we have \[ M_X(s) = \int_{-∞}^∞ e^{sx} f_X(x) \, dx. \]

Relationship to Laplace transforms

Although most texts (including the textbook) restrict \(s\) to be real, my personal view is that one should really interpret \(s\) as a complex number. If we do so, then we have the following:

  • \(M_X(-s)\) is the Laplace transform of the PDF.
  • \(M_X(-j ω)\) is the Fourier transform of the PDF, which is called the characteristic function of \(X\).

Therefore, we can recover the PDF by taking the inverse Laplace transform of MGF. Thus, specifying the MGF of a random variable is equivalent to specifying the PDF.

Historically, MGF is defined for \(s \in \reals\) and there are distributions (e.g., Cauchy) for which MGF does not exist for any \(s \neq 0\). In avoid such situations, one uses the characteristic function because the characteristic function always exists. However, if we view the domain of MGF to be \(\mathbb{C}\), then there is no need for a distinction between MGF and characteristic function.

Example 1 Suppose \(X\) is a random variable which takes values \(\{0, 1, 2\}\) with probabilities \(\{\frac 12, \frac 13, \frac 16\}\). Then, \[\begin{align*} M_X(s) &= \EXP[e^{sX}] \\ &= \frac 12 e^{s 0} + \frac 13 e^{s 1} + \frac 16 e^{s 2} \\ &= \frac 12 + \frac 13 e^{s} + \frac 16 e^{2s}. \end{align*}\]

Example 2 Find the MGF of a Poisson random variable with parameter \(λ\).

\[\begin{align*} M_X(s) &= \EXP[e^{sX}] = \sum_{k=0}^{∞}e^{ks} \frac{λ^k e^{-λ}}{k!} \\ &= e^{-λ} \sum_{k=0}^{∞} \frac{(λe^s)^k}{k!} \\ &= e^{-λ} e^{λ e^{s}}. \end{align*}\]

Example 3 Find the MGF of an exponential random variable with parameter \(λ\).

\[\begin{align*} M_X(s) &= \EXP[e^{sX}] \\ &= \int_{0}^∞ e^{sx} λ e^{-λx} \, dx \\ &= λ \int_{0}^∞ e^{(s-λ)x} \, dx \\ &= \frac{λ}{λ-s}. \end{align*}\]

Note that we could have looked up this result from the Laplace transform tables which show that \[ e^{at} \xleftrightarrow{\hskip 0.5em \mathcal{L}\hskip 0.5em } \frac{1}{s-a} \]

The MGF of common random variables is shown in Table 1.

Table 1: MGF of common random vables
Random variable Parameter(s) MGF
Bernoulli \(p\) \(1 - p + p e^s\)
Binomial \((n,p)\) \((1-p + p e^s)^n\)
Geometric \(p\) \(\dfrac{p e^s}{1 - (1-p)e^s}\)
Poisson \(λ\) \(\exp(λ e^s - 1)\)
Uniform \((a,b)\) \(\dfrac{e^{sb} - e^{sa}}{s(b-a)}\)
Exponential \(λ\) \(\dfrac{λ}{λ-s}\)
Gaussian \((μ,σ)\) \(\exp\bigl(μ s + \frac 12 σ^2 s^2 \bigr)\)

If there exist a neighborhood around origin where \(M_X(s)\) is well-defined. Then, we can use the MGF to “generate the moments” of \(X\) as follows:

  1. \(M_X(0) = 1\)

  2. \(\dfrac{d}{ds} M_X(s) \biggr|_{s=0} = \EXP[X]\).

  3. \(\dfrac{d^2}{ds^2} M_X(s) \biggr|_{s=0} = \EXP[X^2]\).

  4. and in general \(\dfrac{d^k}{ds^k} M_X(s) \biggr|_{s=0} = \EXP[X^k]\).

The first property follows from definition: \[ M_X(0) = \EXP[e^{0 X}] = \EXP[1] = 1. \]

For the general derivative, we have \[\begin{align*} \frac{d^k}{ds^k} M_X(s) &= \int_{-∞}^∞ \frac{d^k}{ds^k} e^{sx} f_X(x) \, dx \\ &= \int_{-∞}^∞ x^k e^{sx} f_X(x) \, dx. \end{align*}\]

Therefore \[ \frac{d^k}{ds^k} M_X(s) \biggr|_{s=0} = \int_{-∞}^∞ x^k f_X(x) \, dx. \]

Example 4 Use the MGF of Bernoulli to find its first all the moments of \(X\).

From Table 1, we see that \[ M_X(s) = 1 - p + p e^{s}. \] Therefore,

  • \(\dfrac{d}{ds} M_X(s) = p e^s\).

  • \(\dfrac{d^2}{ds^2} M_X(s) = p e^s\).

  • and in general \(\dfrac{d^k}{ds^k} M_X(s) = p e^s\).


  • \(\EXP[X] = \dfrac{d}{ds} M_X(s) \biggr|_{s=0} = p\).

  • \(\EXP[X^2] = \dfrac{d^2}{ds^2} M_X(s) \biggr|_{s=0} = p\).

  • and in general \(\EXP[X^k] = \dfrac{d^k}{ds^k} M_X(s) \biggr|_{s=0} = p\).