Using Font Awesome

Posted on November 26, 2017

Font Awesome is a font that provides pictographic icons and is commonly used to display icons for email, editing tasks, popular social media website, etc. It is easy to use Font Awesome in ConTeXt: the font ships with ConTeXt Standalone and ConTeXt includes a symbolset to easily access the icons using names rather than icon numbers.

To use FontAwesome icons in ConTeXt, simply load the symbolset fontawesome using


and then any icon is accessible using


where ... is the name of the icon is listed in the Font Awesome icon list.

Recently, I wanted to use Font Awesome icons in a document that was typeset with CharisSIL at 11pt and there was a size mismatch between the text font and font awesome icons. It took me some time to figure out how to scale the icons so that the result looks good, so I am writing this blog post as a reference for my future self.

Almost all Font Awesome symbols are fixed width, so I decided to simply scale the height of the font to be equal to 1em. This can be done using


The tricky part was to ensure that the symbol sits at the right location on the baseline. After a bit of trial and error—and skimming through supp-box.mkiv—the best solution was to use:


Here is a complete example:

\definetypeface[mainfont][mm][math] [pagellaovereuler][default]
\definetypeface[mainfont][tt][mono] [dejavu][default] [rscale=0.8, features=none]


Checked box \FA[check-square-o]
Unchecked box \FA[square-o]

which gives

Output showing Font Awesome

This entry was posted in Fonts, Macros and tagged font awesome, symbols.